Over 600 television professionals from over 60 countries convene annually in New York City for the International Emmy® World Television Festival. The Festival takes place the weekend before the International Emmy® Awards and is the only place where one can watch all the nominated programs for the current year’s awards and meet with creators of the nominated programs.
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Lauder Institute building expansion and renovation dedicated
Penn President Amy Gutmann (right) dedicated the new renovation of the Lauder Institute building with (from left) Provost Wendell Pritchett, brothers and Penn alumni Leonard A. Lauder, Ronald S. Lauder, and Institute director Mauro Guillén on Tuesday, Oct. 23. The work is expected to be completed by fall of 2019. (Photo by Shira Yudkoff)
Lauder Institute building expansion and renovation dedicated
President Amy Gutmann and Provost Wendell Pritchett joined Ronald S. Lauder and Leonard A. Lauder at the ceremony.
In a sunny courtyard in the heart of Penn’s campus, President Amy Gutmann and Provost Wendell Pritchett joined alumni Ronald S. Lauder and Leonard A. Lauder Tuesday to dedicate the renovation of the building that houses the Joseph H. Lauder Institute for Management & International Studies, which the two brothers founded 35 years ago.
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Ron Lauder to Present Theodor Herzl Award to Rothschild Family in NYC
World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder will honor the Rothschild family on November 7 with the WJC’s annual Theodor Herzl Award, which recognizes outstanding individuals who work to promote Herzl’s ideals for a safer, more tolerant world for the Jewish people. Robert K. Kraft, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Kraft Group, will be presented with the WJC’s Teddy Kollek Award.
Lord Rothschild (Jacob) will accept the award in the presence of Baron David de Rothschild, Chairman of the World Jewish Congress Governing Board, and Baron Eric de Rothschild, of the Shoah Memorial.
“Each year, the WJC presents the Theodor Herzl Award, the highest honor in the Jewish world today, to a notable statesman or other influential figure in appreciation of his or her dedication to the Jewish people. This year is different. Instead of honoring a single individual, we are honoring one family, the Rothschilds, who have rarely been recognized publicly for all they have done,” Ambassador Lauder said. “The modern State of Israel was created by Jewish heroes who were led by extraordinary leaders such as Herzl, Ben Gurion, Weizmann. But Israel would never have been born without the financial support of Jews everywhere. There is, however, one family that stands above all others — the Rothschild family — who laid the very foundation of the Jewish homeland. Across the world, members of the Rothschild family contributed tremendously to the lives and well-being of Jews, both in Israel and in the Diaspora.”
“I am also delighted that the World Jewish Congress Teddy Kollek Award for the Advancement of Jewish Culture will be presented to Robert K. Kraft, who has, over the last five decades, been one of the most dynamic and creative philanthropists in the US and Israel, donating hundreds of millions of dollars in support of local charities, civic affairs and health care, and who consistently demonstrates his deep and true commitment to the Jewish world,” Lauder added.
Previous recipients of the Theodor Herzl Award include former Secretary of State General Colin L. Powell, former US Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Israeli President Shimon Peres, Elie and Marion Wiesel, former secretaries of state Henry A. Kissinger and George P. Shultz, and, posthumously, Ronald Reagan and Axel Springer. Kirk Douglas was honored with the inaugural Award Teddy Kollek in 2016, followed by film director George Stevens in 2017
About the World Jewish Congress:
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) is the international organization representing Jewish communities in 100 countries to governments, parliaments and international organizations.
Philanthropist Ron Lauder Advocates a Level Playing Field in Soccer and Sports in General
Philanthropist Ron Lauder Advocates a Level Playing Field in Soccer and Sports in General
By Howard Blas (Originally published in The Jewish Voice)
Working with Chelsea Football Club and others, an ambitious new initiative called “Red Card for Hate” aims to promote a global dialogue to combat all forms of animosity and bias in sports
Ronald S. Lauder’s distinguished career includes many diverse roles, including business leader, philanthropist, art collector and U.S. Ambassador to Austria. He currently serves as president of the World Jewish Congress. By his own admission, sports fan or supporter is nowhere on the list.
“In my entire life, I have never said these four words: wide world of sports!” he quips. That may change very soon. Lauder is thinking a lot about soccer these days. He has been meeting with Roman Abramovich, owner of Chelsea FC (Football Club), the top English soccer team. He even attended a Chelsea game, noting, “They yell a lot!”
But Lauder’s interest in soccer may have more to do with his interest in combatting anti-Semitism than with the sport itself.
At an exclusive VIP cocktail reception on Sept. 17 at Lauder’s New York City home—attendees included diplomats from more than 40 countries, as well as representatives of the World Jewish Congress and its CEO, Robert Singer; senior Chelsea FC officials; members of the media; and other distinguished guests—Lauder unveiled an innovative idea to use worldwide interest in soccer to combat anti-Semitism.
As he observes, “We have seen anti-Semitism on the right and left, on college campuses, in Europe and in the Middle East, and even in soccer stadiums. Soccer stadiums are no place for Nazi salutes or slurs against Muslim or black players!”
According to the World Jewish Congress, soccer, especially in Europe, has been plagued by instances of anti-Semitism and racism for years. Fans have led anti-Semitic chants, including making hissing noises to evoke the Nazi gas chambers, and targeted African and black players with monkey sounds, among other offensive actions. Ultra-nationalists and neo-Nazis have also played roles in supporter groups for various teams. Lauder says “sports are supposed to be for fun, excellence and competition.”
‘It needs to be pushed out’
The WJC and Chelsea FC therefore announced an ambitious new initiative, “Red Card for Hate,” which aims to promote a global dialogue to combat all forms of hatred in sports. The initiative will include three projects: “Pitch for Hope,” a video project and an international forum—all geared towards encouraging supporters, government officials and the public to treat hate phenomena more seriously and to engage in discourse for effective action.
“Pitch for Hope” invites young adults in the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel to submit proposals for projects that “harness the spirit of comradery in sports to build bridges between people of all backgrounds, faiths and walks of life.” Finalist will be invited to present their proposals at Chelsea FC’s Stamford Bridge Stadium in London; the winners from each country will receive a $10,000 grant to develop and implement their pilot project.
As part of stage two, the WJC and Chelsea FC will produce a series of videos to raise awareness about the effects of anti-Semitism and discrimination. They will address such issues as mutual respect between fans and players and fans of differing backgrounds, and will be rolled out over the course of the 2018-19 football (soccer) season.
In the third stage of the initiative, WJC and Chelsea will host a forum bringing together national football associations, football clubs, players, government officials and others to share best practices, to create a forum for discussion and collaboration, and to create a network of people and organizations to enhance the fight against anti-Semitism in sports.
Lauder notes the potential for success given the number of people who watch sports. “Sports events are seen by billions, not millions.”
He adds, “Our goal is to wipe out anti-Semitism in sports. It doesn’t go away by itself. It needs to be pushed out. To see the Nazi salute … it shouldn’t happen!”
‘Take it to the next level’
The kick-off event in Lauder’s home included short remarks by Singer and such guests as Eugene Tenenbaum, director of the Chelsea Football Club; Consul General of France in New York Anne-Claire Legendre; Gary Bettman, commissioner of the National Hockey League; and Lee Igel, clinical associate professor in the New York University Tisch Institute for Global Sport.
Tenenbaum described an increase of anti-Semitic events in England from 100 a year before Brexit, to about 100 a month at present. He and his colleagues have carefully considered ways to address it. “When we saw the anti-Semitic chants of fans, we decided not to kick them out, but to educate them, and to show what it is that happens when we say it and mean it.”
He says the partnership with the WJC “let’s us take it to the next level.”
They have already organized meetings of Chelsea FC players with Holocaust survivors and have brought 150 fans and players to the March of the Living in Poland.
Legendre called the work of the WJC and Chelsea FC “relevant and inspiring,” and noted that “France is not immune to anti-Semitism.” She added that “we will fight it to our utmost.”
Bettman spoke of the importance of sports for setting a tone and feels that sports “can be an incredible vehicle.”
He shared that in the NHL, “we don’t tolerate acts of hatred in our buildings or at our games. We host 1,300 events a year and want to make sure fans know the expectations and feel welcomed.” He drew a with Judaism to sports, playfully noting that “people come together, have ceremonial garb, a ceremonial chant and a common focus that is an emotional connection.”
Igel offered a powerful story about a 1938 soccer match between Germany and Austria right before the Anschluss (the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938). He then spoke about the anti-Semitism and hatred that still exist in the world.
“That is why this work is so important; it is not just another nice program full of good intentions.” Igel referred to the three phases of the “Red Card for Hate” initiative, mentioning that it will include the convening of an international summit in Paris in 2019 to battle discrimination, racism and anti-Semitism in sports.
Original article here
JCS International Announces Winners Of Second-Annual Young Creatives Award
Winners to be Honored at 2018 International Emmy® World Television Festival in New York
Click here to watch all 24 entries, including the three winners below.

Photo Credit: Noa Grayevsky
New York, October 3, 2018: JCS International today announced the winners of the 2018 JCSI Young Creative Award, now in its second year. The three winners, selected by a prestigious panel of jurors with a depth of experience in film, TV and media, created one-minute shorts on the 2018 theme, “Stand Up for Peace.” The winning films are TeaShirt (India), Peace is Action (Indonesia) and Mr. Peace (India).
The blue-ribbon panel of jurors gathered at the International Academy’s headquarters in New York on September 27 to select the winners from the 24 finalists. Programs entered this year span 39 countries. The jurors were: Michal Grayevsky, President, JCS International; First Lady of Panama Lorena Castillo Garcia De Varela; Patrick Connolly, SVP of Programming for AMC/SundanceTV Global; Amy Hargreaves, Actress & Producer; Mozhan Marnò, Actress & Producer; Ben Pyne, Independent Consultant, Pyne Media; Stephen Segaller, VP Programming, WNET Channel 13 and Daniel Wiedemann, Bureau Chief, Americas Office, TV Globo.
The three winners will be flown to New York and receive their award on Saturday, November 17, at the International Emmy World Television Festival, in front of the 2018 International Emmy Awards Nominees. They will also be invited to attend the International Emmy Awards Gala on Monday, November 19th.
“JCS International is proud to support and honor young artists who stand up for peace through creativity,” said Michal Grayevsky, President of JCS International and a Board Member of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. “We are so thankful to the International Academy for taking the Young Creatives competition to new heights.”
• By: Raj Dutta
• Country: India
• Summary: When two men are fighting over a small conflict, a young boy steps in and reminds them about being peaceful. This film can teach everyone that no matter how horrible a situation gets, we always have the choice for peace.
Peace is Action
• By: Puti Puar
• Country: Indonesia
• Summary: It’s common for us to associate peace with tranquility or calmness. However, peace is a kind of energy that needs to show and spread with action, although it is not always welcomed. This is a 1-minute animation about how we can stand up for peace through action, including resisting online bullying or joining a strike for peace.
Mr. Peace
• By: Shubham Upreti
• Country: India
• Summary: This story revolves around peace, a real life character living in the modern world is trying to find his value in a fast moving world in which everyone has forgotten him.
About JCSI
JCS International is a global media company headquartered in New York City. JCSI provides a wide range of services, from strategic communications and public relations to content creation and policy research. JCS—a privately held Ronald S. Lauder company—is committed to delivering measurable results and has a proven track-record working with high-profile, prestigious clients and organizations.
For further inquiries, please contact: JCS International,
Zero Discrimination Movement Led by First Lady of Panama Adds Philanthropist and Entrepreneur Ronald S. Lauder
Movimiento Cero Discriminación que lidera Primera Dama de Panamá suma al filántropo y empresario Ronald Steven Lauder
Jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018
El filántropo y empresario estadounidense Ronald Steven Lauder, se sumó al movimiento Cero Discriminación que lidera a nivel global la Primera Dama de la República de Panamá y Embajadora Especial de ONUSIDA para América Latina, Lorena Castillo de Varela.
A través del movimiento Cero Discriminación se busca sensibilizar a la población sobre los efectos nocivos de la discriminación y promover los derechos que tienen las personas a una vida plena, digna y productiva.
La discriminación es una agresión que excluye a las personas por características relacionadas a su sexo, origen étnico o nacional, religión, discapacidad, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, clase social, edad y condición de salud.
Lauder que es miembro honorario del Fondo de Monumentos Mundial, una organización de Nueva York, Estados Unidos, sin ánimo de lucro con la misión de proteger sitios de patrimonio cultural alrededor del mundo, y ha formado parte de esfuerzos de conservación medioambiental, se sumó al movimiento Cero Discriminación luego de conocer el trabajo que ha liderado a nivel global la primera Dama en la promoción e impulso de iniciativas con el fin de que se garanticen los derechos humanos.
El movimiento Cero Discriminación que lidera la primera Dama a nivel global va de la mano con lavocación histórica de Panamá de ser propiciador de entendimiento en la construcción de diálogos y consensos, y promotor de paz y de los derechos humanos.
Durante una cena en la que también participó el Presidente Juan Carlos Varela y el Director de ONUSIDA, Michel Sidibé, Lauder conoció de los esfuerzos que a través del movimiento de Líderes y Laureados por los Niños se lideran para garantizar el pleno ejercicio de los derechos de los niños y niñas.
Lauder mostró interés por la Declaración entregada al Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas (NU), António Guterres, a través de la cual se pide a la comunidad internacional y a las NU que redoblen sus esfuerzos para preservar los derechos de los niños y niñas, particularmente los trabajadores y refugiados, y que salvaguarden su acceso a la educación, la protección, la nutrición, la salud física y mental.
Full article and photos:
Ronald S. Lauder Joins Zero Discrimination Movement Led by First Lady Lorena Castillo de Varela of Panama
Ronald S. Lauder Joins Zero Discrimination Movement Led by First Lady Lorena Castillo de Varela of Panama
NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The American philanthropist, businessman and owner of JCS International Ronald S. Lauder joined the Zero Discrimination movement, led on a global level by First Lady of the Republic of Panama and UNAIDS Special Ambassador for Latin America Lorena Castillo de Varela.

Photo Credit: Noa Grayevsky
The Zero Discrimination movement seeks to raise awareness about the harmful effects of discrimination and promote the rights everyone has to a full, dignified and productive life.
“The First Lady Valera is a powerful advocate for the rights of children and it’s a privilege to join her Zero Discrimination movement,” said Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder. “I look forward to many years of collaboration, particularly on the JCS International Young Creatives Award, which I am proud to sponsor.”
Lauder has served as President of the World Jewish Congress for over a decade. He is also a UN Women for Peace Association “Ambassador of Peace”; First Lady Valera was honored at UNWFPA’s 2018 International Women’s Day luncheon with the group’s prestigious Leadership Award. Lauder joined the Zero Discrimination movement after learning about the First Lady’s global work to guarantee human rights.
The Zero Discrimination movement goes hand-in-hand with Panama’shistoric calling to promote dialogue, consensus, peace and human rights.
During a private dinner in New York, Lauder learned about the efforts of the Laureados y Líderes Por Los Niños organization to fully protect children’s human rights. The event was also attended by the leadership of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, including Board Member and JCS International President Michal Grayevsky, who launched the JCS International Young Creatives Award with the International Academy. The award’s 2018 theme is “Stand Up for Peace.”
Lauder expressed interest in the statement delivered to United Nations General Secretary António Guterres, which called on the international community and the UN to double down on their efforts to preserve the rights of children — particularly those who are workers and children — and safeguard their access to education, nutrition, protection and physical and mental health.
For further inquiries, please contact: JCS International,

Photo Credit: Noa Grayevsky

Photo Credit: Noa Grayevsky
Israel, This Is Not Who We Are
The following is an op-ed piece by Ronald S. Lauder that was published in the New York Times on August 13, 2018. As President of the World Jewish Congress, Lauder warns of the threat posed by recent actions of the Israeli government.
Photo Credit: JCS International
Israel, This Is Not Who We Are
Orthodoxy should be respected, but we cannot allow the politics of a radical minority to alienate millions of Jews worldwide.
For many Israelis, Jews and supporters of Israel, the last year has been a challenging one. In the summer of 2017, Israel’s government withdrew from an agreement that would have created an egalitarian prayer area at the Western Wall and proposed a strict conversion law that impinges on the rights of non-Orthodox Jews. This summer the Knesset passed a law that denies equal rights to same-sex couples. A day later came the nation-state law, which correctly reaffirms that Israel is a Jewish state, but also damages the sense of equality and belonging of Israel’s Druze, Christian and Muslim citizens.
Last month, a Conservative rabbi was detained for the alleged crime of performing a non-Orthodox wedding ceremony in Israel. In several municipalities, attempts were made to disrupt secular life by closing convenience stores on the Sabbath.
These events are creating the impression that the democratic and egalitarian dimensions of the Jewish democratic state are being tested.
Israel is a miracle. The Jews of the diaspora look up to Israel, admire its astonishing achievements and view it as their second home. However, today some wonder if the nation they cherish is losing its way.
For 4,000 years, the Jewish people were seen as the world’s moral compass.
The Zionist movement has been unwaveringly democratic from its very start. Writ large upon its flag were liberty, equality and human rights for all. It was also one of the very first national movements to guarantee full equality and voting rights for women. And when Israel was founded, it immediately became the first and only democracy in the Middle East. Its Declaration of Independence guarantees “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex,” as well as a guarantee of freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture.
Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, Zeev Jabotinsky, David Ben Gurion and Golda Meir always emphasized the need to combine Jewish nationalism with universal humanism. So now, when Israel’s government appears to be tarnishing the sacred value of equality, many supporters feel it is turning its back on Jewish heritage, the Zionist ethos and the Israeli spirit.
The issue at hand is first and foremost a moral one, but the new nation-state legislation may also have severe national and international repercussions. In Israel, it will heighten the sense of polarization and discord. Abroad, Israel may find itself associated with a broken values system and questionable friends. As a result, future leaders of the West may become hostile or indifferent to the Jewish state.
Tragically, the new policies will not strengthen Israel but weaken it, and in the long run they may endanger Israel’s social cohesiveness, economic success and international standing.
But the greatest threat is to the future of the Jewish people. For over 200 years, modern Judaism has aligned itself with enlightenment. The Jews of the new era have fused our national pride and religious affiliation with a dedication to human progress, worldly culture and morality. Conservatives and liberals, we all believe in a just Zionism and a pluralistic Judaism that respects every human being. So when members of Israel’s current government unintentionally undermine the covenant between Judaism and enlightenment, they crush the core of contemporary Jewish existence.
Already today, the main challenge facing the Jewish diaspora is a deep — and deepening — generational divide. All over the world, and especially in North America, Jewish millennials are raising doubts that their parents and grandparents never raised. The commitment to Israel and Jewish institutions is not unconditional.
Passing the torch to this younger generation is already a difficult undertaking — as many leaders, educators, rabbis and parents will attest. But when Israel’s own government proposes damaging legislation, this task may well become nearly impossible.
If present trends persist, young Jews might not acquiesce to an affiliation with a nation that discriminates against non-Orthodox Jews, non-Jewish minorities and the L.G.B.T. community. They may not fight the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, they may not support Israel in Washington and they may not provide it with the strategic rear guard that Israel so needs.
Let us not forget: A vast majority of the world’s Jews do not identify as Orthodox. They are traditional, secular, Conservative, Reform or completely unaffiliated. Orthodoxy should be respected, but we cannot allow the politics of a radical minority to alienate millions of Jews worldwide. We are one people, few in number, and we must stop sowing division among ourselves. Once we are united, our future will be boundless.
I have always stood by Israel and I always will. But now, as a loving brother, I ask Israel’s government to listen to the voices of protest and outrage being heard in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. As president of the World Jewish Congress, I call upon Israeli leaders to rethink their destructive actions during this summer of disharmony.
This is not who we are, and this is not who we wish to be. This is not the face we want to show our children, grandchildren and the family of nations. Let us work together to change course and ensure that Israel will continue to be the Jewish democratic state it is meant to be.
Ronald S. Lauder is president of the World Jewish Congress.
Online Voting for Year Two of Prestigious JCSI “Young Creatives Award” Opens Today
Online Voting for Year Two of Prestigious JCS International “Young Creatives Award” Opens Today
One-Minute Videos on the Theme “Stand Up For Peace”! Span 38 Countries
Now is Your Chance to Identify the Next Generation of Filmmaking Talent
New York, New York—The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and JCS International announced today that entries for the 2018 JCS International Young Creatives Award competition are now online for viewing and public voting. The initiative, launched last year, is designed to discover, recognize, and foster young talent from around the world while creating a global conversation around peace.
The competition is open to global entrants between the ages of 18 and 29. Videos entered this year around the theme Stand Up for Peace! span 38 countries. Online voting, available from September 12 to 19 on the International Academy’s website ( will determine the finalists for the competition.
A blue-ribbon panel of accomplished jurors will determine the three winners at the end of September.
“We are proud to be raising awareness about peace and celebrating the amazing work of young creatives from around the world,” said Michal Grayevsky, President of JCS International. “We encourage everyone to go watch the videos and vote.”
The three winners will be announced on October 3, 2018 and will be flown to New York to receive their award at the International Emmy World Television Festival on November 17, 2018. They will also attend the International Emmy Awards Gala on November 19.
More information and to watch the winning 2017 films, go to
About JCS International
JCS International, a Ronald S. Lauder Company, is a global media company headquartered in New York City. Founded in 1979, JCS pioneered the one-stop shop concept, offering full-service production capabilities, from conception to execution, all under one roof. For decades, JCSI has brought together media outlets from around the world and helped them fulfill their mission. Now, JCSI is creating a unique new media platform for young companies, entrepreneurs and creative talent, helping its partners realize their potential and scale.